Empower your birth.

Providing professional and compassionate care throughout your pregnancy, birth, and beyond, to help you create your own positive birth experience.

Serving pregnant women in Lawrence, Topeka, and the greater Kansas City area.

Empowered Birth Experience

Compassionate & Continuous Care

Labor Calmly and Confidently

We get it. All of us are mothers and have been where you are ourselves. There is a LOT to learn and the birth journey is different for everyone. You may even be thinking “will I be able to remember all of this when I am in labor?”

  • Anxious about the birthing process and want guidance?

  • Want help finding a care provider who shares your values?

  • Worried you won’t know everything in time?

  • Unsure of whose opinion to trust?

Unsure of what to expect?

We help women labor calmly and confidently.

We help families who may be anxious about the birthing process and would
like extra guidance.

“She was a wonderful and supportive doula for the birth of my first child. Attentive and diligent to my desires and worked to ensure that my birth plan was executed.”

- Maureen B.

“She kept me moving, helped me breathe and relax, and provided us with helpful information and advice throughout the birthing process. I would recommend Midwest Doula Services without hesitation!”

- Jessica L.

“I had no idea about pregnancy, birth, and postnatal when I got pregnant and found all of the classes Midwest Doula Services offer extremely helpful!”

- Brooke S.

Let’s make this simple.


Our initial consultation is our time to get to know each other. One of us will sit down with you one-on-one and you can ask us any questions as we take the time to learn about you and your vision for your birth.


Over the months we chat, meet for prenatal appointments, lead you through classes, and are on call for you 24/7. As your baby grows our relationship also grows so that we can be there ready to help you have the birth you desire.


Your birth is a powerful and sacred event. We come alongside you to provide comfort, support, and guidance as you embark on one of life's most transformative journeys - childbirth.

“When she said, "You guys are doing great together. You're a good team!" it made me dig up energy I didn't even know I had during labor.”


Invest in your birth.

Most couples get overwhelmed with all the options and opinions they hear from their family, friends, and what they read online.

We would love to sit down one-on-one with you and listen to your vision for your birth, bringing our expertise and experience so that you can have the positive birth experience you desire.

Schedule a free consultation — There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.